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Richard Viguerie’s WIN BIG in 2024 Plan
Conservatives By-passing Big Media to Educate Voters

Conservatives cannot leave the Left go unchallenged!

Many national conservative leaders have emphasized the importance of my unique Strategy/Marketing Memos in helping them lead, build, and grow their organizations and the conservative movement. I'm pleased to provide this valuable, free information, drawing from my six decades of experience. However, as we approach a crucial November election that will determine America's future, conservatives are lagging behind the Democrats and their radical allies. Your Sponsorship expands my outreach and marketing advice to ensure a strong and decisive conservative victory this November.

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pioneered the use of direct mail marketing/advertising in politics.

Viguerie transformed American politics by pioneering the use of direct mail fundraising in the conservative political and ideological spheres.  This allowed conservatives to go around the liberal media blockage right into people’s homes. He used direct mail marketing to help lead, build, and grow the conservative movement, which then elected Ronald Reagan as the first conservative President of the modern era.

Mr. Viguerie and his wife, Elaine, are natives of Houston, Texas, and have been married for 62 years. They have three children and six grandchildren and live in the Virginia countryside on 230 acres of conservative-friendly environment.



“Take Richard Viguerie out of the equation of the modern political conservative movement and I truly believe there wouldn’t be a modern conservative political movement.”


– Brent Bozell

Media Research Center Founder


Richard Viguerie is one of 13 “Conservatives of the Century.”

– Dr. Lee Edwards

The Washington Times, December 1999


“There are very few people who can honestly say that they have changed the course of history.

  • Without him, Barry Goldwater would never have been nominated for president.

  • Without him, Ronald Reagan would never have served two terms in the White House.

  • Without him, Donald Trump would never have become president.

  • And without the communication tools that he pioneered; Donald Trump would have no shot at returning to the White House.

That man is Richard Viguerie.”

– Roger Stone

Political Consultant & Bestselling Author, January 2024

Marketing Memo

My purpose in writing these marketing memos is to encourage you and other conservative leaders to 1) greatly increase the size of your nonprofit organization; 2) significantly grow the number of your supporters; 3) raise much more money; 4) encourage conservatives to launch thousands of new single-issue organizations to compete with the tens of thousands of liberal nonprofits; and 5) raise your team’s professional level.


The Left is out-marketing and out-organizing conservatives.  The Left’s nonprofits (about 20,000) yearly raise $20 billion+ from over 20 million unique donors, while conservative nonprofits (1,000-2,000) raise only about $3-4 billion from about 3-4 million unique donors.


Conservatives dominated grassroots marketing from the 1960s through most of the 1980s.  But today the Left dominates through bold, professional marketing and aggressive entrepreneurship.

Conservatives Have Low Energy

1. Most nationally active conservatives have low energy.  They seem to be oblivious to the fact that we are very close to losing America and Western Civilization to the progressive/socialist/Marxists.  The left’s leaders and activists have so much energy, passion, commitment to win it seems at times you can cut it with a knife – not so for most national conservatives.


No Mega Conservative Donors

2. Conservatives do not have a mega conservative movement donor in the category of George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.


Yes, there are many generous donors to conservative causes, but no one who will put tens or hundreds of millions of dollars in conservative movement causes/projects as some on the left do (Zukerberg $417 million in 2020 to turn-out Democrat voters, Bezos $250 million to buy The Washington Post, Soros for decades has yearly put tens of millions of dollars into primaries to nominate progressives/socialists/Marxists).


Republicans Outraised

3. In the 2022 election cycle Democrat congressional candidates outraised Republicans by $274 million.

1400% More Liberal Organizations

4. The left has over 20,000 single-issue nonprofit organizations vs. about 1,500 for conservatives.


Each nonprofit organization needs 5-7 officers, e.g., President, VP, Secretary/Treasurer, PR, fundraiser, events director, etc.  This gives the Democrats over 120,000 people training and learning leadership skills to become future candidates for school board, city council, state legislature, Congress etc.


Left Massively Outraises Us

5. Yearly, Democrat nonprofits raise 700% more money than conservative nonprofits ($21 billion vs. $3.5 billion).

Missing Conservative Donors

6. Democrats have 700% more unique donors (21 million vs. 3.5 million: Act Blue alone has 14,128,442 unique Democrat donors).


No National Strategists


7. Conservatives have no national strategist at the level of John Podesta, Marc Elias, and Eric Holder.  In the 1980s and 1990s Newt Gingrich was the major national strategist for the conservatives/Republicans leading the Republican efforts to gain control of the Congress in 1994.  Today conservatives have no one like Newt to lead us in the Spiritual Civil War—by the way, we’re losing.  


Liberal Family Foundations Are Massive


8. Of the 20 largest private family foundations, the liberal foundations have assets of $166 billion and the conservatives $16 billion – a 10 to 1 advantage for the left. The 20th largest liberal private family foundation (Annie E. Casey Foundation) has assets of $2 billion vs. $10 million (Clause Foundation) for the conservatives.


Left Massively Outraises Us

9. In 2019, the 100 largest liberal nonprofit organizations had income of $46 billion vs. $8 billion for conservatives. 


Act as a Third Force

10. The left acts independent of the Democrat party.  They act as a 3rd FORCE pulling everyone in their direction.  Think environmental issues, green energy, sexual issues, etc.  The left has their own agenda, issues, money, supporters, donors.   However, most conservative leaders act as an appendage of the Republican party – acting as an arm of the GOP.


I want to emphasize I am not talking about a 3rd party but a third political FORCE.  I say I am not a Republican; I am a conservative who acts politically in the Republican party.


Why do most conservative leaders lack the energy, skill, and desire to win that the left has?


To quote Kevin Gentry, “The lack of experimentation and risk taking is maddening.  Have our folks lost the will to win?”

There are a number of reasons why Democrats raise way more money than conservatives and why we are losing the SPRITIUAL CIVIL WAR including:


  • Democrats have far more high-level professional marketers than conservatives.


  • Democrats have worked hard for over 60 years to take over foundations founded by conservatives or by people who weren’t political but were capitalists. 


Today, most large foundations are in the iron grip of the left – think Ford, Rockefeller, Pew, McArthur, Hilton, Hewlett, and Packard Foundations.


  • A high percentage if not most on the left are atheists or at best agnostic. So “their religion” is government.  They believe government is the way to make people do the “right” thing.


Young liberals who want to “do good” and “help people” go into the nonprofit world, i.e., government, nonprofit organizations, politics.


But as a general rule the best and brightest young conservatives and apolitical young people go into the private sector.   Many will “do good” by starting or managing businesses that employ people who will then be able to marry, buy a car and home, raise and educate children etc.  Conservatives volunteer, get involved in their church, community, coach children’s sports, etc.


  • For decades liberal nonprofits have yearly received tens of billions of dollars courtesy of us taxpayers, and congressional Republicans have gone along with it. 


However, during the Biden presidency, Congress passed legislation that authorized trillions of dollars to “combat COVID.”  John Podesta is in the Biden White House and in charge of funneling hundreds of billions of Covid relief money into thousands of left-wing nonprofits.  And where are the conservatives/Republicans in Congress leading the opposition to this scandal?


The problems I have identified are well known.  The solutions are a work in progress.  Here are a few ideas/thoughts to help fix our problems. 


  • Thousands of young conservatives (under 35) to launch new conservative nonprofit organizations.


  • Hundreds of young conservatives (under 35) to launch for-profit organizations to support conservative nonprofits, such as postal direct mail/marketing agencies, digital marketing agencies, PR agencies, major donor development companies, event planning businesses, etc. etc.

“It is incredible the quantity of good that can be done in a country by a single man who will make a business of it…”  Benjamin Franklin


  • National leaders to convene meetings of conservative strategists for the purpose of thinking and discussing the state of the conservative movement.  Then produce written solutions, plans, and budgets.


  • National leaders to convene meetings of major conservative donors for the purpose of encouraging them to become much more engaged.


  • Generous wealthy conservatives to convene meetings of other wealthy conservatives not previously involved in the fight, encouraging them to become fully engaged in the Spiritual Civil War.


  • High-level strategic thinkers to develop game-changing projects with plans and budgets.


  • Members of boards of directors of conservative nonprofits to demand that the leadership develop and implement plans to massively grow their nonprofits in size, income, donors, and effectiveness.  If not, then fire and replace them with BOLD RISK-TAKING ENTREPRENEUR LEADERSHIP.


I’ll expand on these in future Monthly Marketing Memos.


For conservatives, there’s no shortage of money, supporters, donors, etc.  However, we have a lack of BOLD RISK-TAKING ENTREPRENEUR LEADERS.


Click the level you want to participate in below. 


To help sponsor the marketing/communication education and training of national, state, local conservative leaders.


In addition to the above, you’ll also receive an autographed copy of my latest book, GO BIG: How Conservatives Can Win with Bigger and More Organizations, Donors, and Money.  


You’ll receive an autographed copy of my recently updated book entitled How Conservatives Can Outlive Liberals and I’ll also mail you my Monthly Strategy/Marketing Memos via first class postal mail.


All the above.


In addition to the above, you’ll be invited to a monthly phone call I will host on the first Thursday (starting                 

October 3) of each month from 12:00 to 12:45 pm EST.  I will give you an update on the status of the Conservative Movement and American politics, as well as my recommendations on how to grow the conservative cause and win elections.  I will also answer questions you may have and ask for your advice and comments.


In addition to the above, you can submit your marketing strategy for a nonprofit you lead or work with or one that you are on the Board of Directors of, and I’ll personally review the strategy/programs and suggest ways to

significantly improve your marketing and the effectiveness of the organization.

Dear Richard,

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