Liberals have 2,000% more grassroots organizations
and raise 700% more money
from 700% more grassroots activists,
which gives them a huge advantage at election time.
Other books by
Richard A. Viguerie
TAKEOVER (2014) – The 100-Year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It. Buy Now
How Conservatives Can Outlive Liberals (2013) – Richard Viguerie explains why at age 89 he’s able to work 12–13 hours a day, five and a half days a week.
Conservatives Betrayed (2006) – How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause. Buy Now
America’s Right Turn (2004) – How Conservatives Used New and Alternative Media to Take Power. Buy Now
The Establishment vs. the People (1983) – Is a New Populist Revolt on the Way? Buy Now

Richard A. Viguerie is one of 13 “Conservatives of the Century.”
— Dr. Lee Edwards, The Washington Times, December 1999
“He is the catalyst that allowed conservatism to reach the pinnacles that it has over these past many years.”
— Barry Goldwater Jr.
“He is one of the genuine pioneers of modern American politics.”
— Newt Gingrich, Former House Speaker
“Richard Viguerie is probably the greatest political copywriter in American history. He really is the godfather of the conservative movement.”
— Roger Stone, Bestselling Author, Political Consultant
“Richard Viguerie is simply the best!”
— Hon. Ken Cuccinelli, Former Attorney General of Virginia
“Before Rush Limbaugh, there was Richard Viguerie.”
— Jim Martin, The Washington Times
“We talk a lot about changing your life with copywriting. But Richard Viguerie did more than just change his life: He changed the world.”
— Richard Armstrong, Author, The Next Hurrah:
The Communications Revolution in American Politics
He is “the architect of the New Right.”
— The Baltimore Sun
“The father of political [direct marketing].”
— Direct Magazine
Some of the Chapter Titles:
Viguerie’s Four Horsemen of Marketing®
Brand Yourself, Brand Your Organization – Change Your Life, Change the World
Brand Democrats and Govern America
Needed: 20,000 New Single-Issue Conservative Organizations
A Scary Look at Liberal Dark Money and Grassroots Marketing
Nationalize the 2022 and 2024 Elections
“It’s the Primaries, Stupid”
Internet Marketing
Viguerie’s Do’s and Don’ts of Marketing
11 Big Mistakes Conservative Leaders Make
Going Big Safely Within the Law
Some Things in the Appendix:
A List of Conservative Organizations, News, and Learning
100 Largest Right of Center Nonprofits
100 Largest Left of Center/Progressive Nonprofits